Podcasting is no longer a fringe marketing tactic. In fact, look at the real estate websites for agents in your market and you’re bound to come across at least a few real estate podcasts that offer tips on the home buying process, how to sell a home quickly, or other housing-related topics.
On the national level, there are also many podcasts that share sage advice for agents: everything from business best practices to rewarding real estate marketing ideas.
There’s no need to head to Google to find the cream-of-the-crop podcasts for agents and brokers, though.
We’ve rounded up 20 of the industry’s best real estate podcasts, so learn about each of them below and sample some of their finest episodes.
WaterCooler with Chris Smith and Jimmy Mackin
The intersection of business, marketing, and real estate — that’s the best way to describe this informative podcast from the Curaytor cofounders, which regularly features the best and brightest industry minds and marketing experts, including Gary Vaynerchuk and Rand Fishkin. Starting a podcast that seamlessly integrates the worlds of real estate sales and inbound marketing was a smart move on the part of Smith and Mackin, as agents’ and brokers’ lead generation efforts are increasingly online.
Real Estate Coaching Radio with Tim and Julie Harris
You know you’re doing something right when your real estate agent podcast has an average audience of more than 100,000 listeners. The husband-and-wife duo of Tim and Julie Harris has mastered the art of podcasting with their series, which dispenses advice to agents and brokers on many subjects, and includes counsel from many industry pros, ranging from top producers to well-known executives who have done well for themselves and have applicable experiences to share with the real estate world.
Agent Caffeine with Kelly Mitchell
Since the turn of the decade, Kelly Mitchell has put out more than 230 episodes of her esteemed Agent Caffeine podcast series, which, as you might suspect by the title, helps agents and brokers add a little pep to their real estate marketing and sales efforts.
Whether you want to learn about the latest industry tech from those creating it, get advice on how to sell your services to niche demographics, or discover the best new lead generation tactics, Mitchell and Co. cover it all. Add in the fact that Mitchell fully grasps the importance of real estate social media marketing, as evidenced by her many followers on pretty much every social network, and you know you can trust the info she offers on her podcast.
Modern American Realtor with Corey and Casey Wright
Ask the experts how to start podcasting the right way and you’ll likely get one common answer: focus on branding. That’s what the Wright brothers (no, not those Wright brothers) have done so well with their up-and-coming podcast that focuses on the essentials for agents (how to start your career off on the right foot, succeeding as a businessperson in general) and even some fringe real estate topics (how to prevent cyber attacks, tips on recruiting and hiring Millennials). Nearly each and every episode takes place in front of a sleek Wright Brothers, Inc. sign with the duo posing their own distinct thoughts and opinions on all things real estate — not a bad way to become memorable with your digital marketing.
Mobile Agent TV with Michael Thorne and David Fauquier
Google Hangouts remains one of the more underused real estate marketing tools around today. Aside from offering a premier way to converse with leads and clients and host webinars and live Q&A sessions, the streaming platform is also the perfect medium to host real estate podcasts. Just ask Thorne and Fauquier, who have successfully integrated the service into their online presence over the past several years. The second each episode completes filming, you can upload your clips to your YouTube channel — a task the aforementioned pair of RE/MAX agents have done routinely to grow their network. Think of practically any industry “how-to” scenario you want to learn more about (building a referral network, embed yourself into your local community, etc.) and it’s likely been covered by the highly respected Mobile Agent TV crew.
Unlisted with Brad Inman
Though still in its infancy, this burgeoning podcast from Inman News Founder Brad Inman is sure to become one of the preeminent real estate podcasts. His deep comprehension of all things real estate and top industry connections will lead to some intriguing episodes in the future. Whereas many of the podcasts featured in this list provide information on becoming a better agent through direct, actionable advice, Inman’s podcast appears to aim for a more international flair, with his first two episodes focused on volatile markets worldwide and how China could impact the U.S. housing market. Just like his much-admired (and -attended) Inman Connect real estate conferences, Inman’s podcast is bound to become a hit among the agent and broker community.
Real Estate Realities with The Rebel Broker with Robert Whitelaw
While those starting out in real estate may have opinions on the state of the industry and where the local, regional, and national markets are headed, experienced agents and brokers who have seen it all can offer a more comprehensive outlook — one that is more informed than their novice counterparts. Take California Realtor Robert Whitelaw, for example: His 25 years of experience has led to roughly 250 episodes of his real estate podcast, each of which supplies listeners with his adept take on topics including home builder confidence, foreclosures’ impact on the entire market, and the feasibility of renting to own. As Whitelaw notes, he keeps things honest in his podcast, so you’ll get the unfiltered truth on a variety of subjects by tuning in.
The Niche Agent Podcast with Ryan Smith
A good portion of the most popular real estate podcasts published today offer takes on the investment side of things — like Smith’s aptly titled podcast. If you’re interested in breaking into the world of real estate investment to supplement (or perhaps eventually replace) your career in residential sales, you’ll find the insights needed to take that next step by listening to the Niche Agent Podcast. Smith interviews industry pros who have crafted — you guessed it — niche roles for themselves, and gets them to divulge just how they were able to do so. So, if you want to discover how your peers grow their careers by relying mostly on agent-to-agent referrals or build large networks by giving back to their communities, this is the podcast for you.
Conversations That Matter with Teri Conrad
The name says it all: Conversations That Matter features informal yet informative chats with the best of the best in the real estate biz and other fields as well. For every episode featuring a real estate influencer like Sean Carpenter or Matt Beall, there’s another equally enthralling edition featuring a “confidence coach” like Dan Munro or business coach like Matthew Ferrara. The leisurely nature and tone of Conversations That Matter allows for an enjoyable listening experience that makes it easy to absorb the wisdom shared by Conrad and her guests.
Super Agents Live with Toby Salgado
Hearing directly from top producers is definitely an excellent method for pushing yourself to become one, so if that’s your ambition, this real estate agent podcast from self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur Toby Salgado, who’s had his fair share of success in and out of the industry, is for you. Do you want to learn new, alternative lead conversion tactics? This episode with Patrick Harvey on neuro-linguistic programming could help push your sales to new heights. Are you looking to build a luxury real estate brand? This episode with Las Vegas Realtor Ivan Sher on managing high-end clients’ expectations could help you close more lucrative deals. If you’re willing to mix things up with your business approach, this is a podcast to listen to often.
Real Estate Strategy Lab with Jeff Coga, Dante Underwood, and Garrett Allen Zander
This “podcast network” incorporates regularly held podcasts from the trio of real estate pros above. Each one offers listeners a different flavor: Underwood interviews some of the best and brightest agents and brokers to see what real estate marketing strategies are elevating their brands and bottom lines. Meanwhile, Edwards’ broadcast notes best practices for flipping homes quickly for sizable profits in today’s real estate climate, while Coga covers the innumerable reasons to get going with digital marketing tactics and techniques that can drive results for agents who aspire to become top producers.
Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars with Pat Hiban
The name of the podcast pretty much says it all. Those who have attained the status as truly successful real estate agents share not only what helped them close their first deals and decide to become a full-time agent, but also what has helped them sustain their careers and build their bank accounts and client lists over the years. Hiban himself also dispenses his own brand of wisdom in this inspirational real estate podcast, including what marketing methods led to him becoming a billion-dollar agent. Honorable mention also goes to Hiban’s other podcast, Bare Naked Agent, which offers episodes featuring questions and answers on various industry-related hot topics.
Real Estate Today Radio with Gil Gross
Radio and satellite shows are often syndicated and turned into podcasts to maximize exposure for noteworthy broadcasters. Such is the case with Real Estate Today Radio, run by Gil Gross, an award-winning journalist. The focus of the show is to help answer the questions sellers and buyers of all experience levels have regarding selling their properties and finding their dream homes. Experts join in to impart their take on each edition’s topic, and call-ins from consumers are taken live. Should you ever decide to start a podcast that gives invaluable insights to your buyer and seller leads, this is one to mimic.
Eye on Real Estate with Dottie Herman
As president and CEO of famed New York–based real estate firm Douglas Elliman and renowned speaker at the industry’s top conferences, Herman has made quite a name for herself. Helping Herman build upon her success in the real estate limelight is this weekly educational radio-show-turned-podcast, which runs on AM970 The Answer and entails Herman fielding questions from listeners on subjects ranging from how buyers can negotiate to the latest news that affects the Big Apple’s housing market.
The Agents of Change Podcast with Rich Brooks
Formerly known as The Marketing Agents Podcast, this show started and run by Flyte New Media Founder and President Rich Brooks aims to solve one of the biggest concerns many agents and brokers have today: turning their dated, outbound marketing strategies into thriving, well-oiled digital real estate marketing machines.
Some of the most recognizable marketing industry names, including Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi and social media marketing consultant Amy Porterfield, have appeared on Agents of Change to submit their opinions on how real estate brands small and large can catch up with other industries who’ve not only adopted the inbound marketing methodology, but also do very, very well with their campaigns.
Move to Tacoma Podcast with Marguerite Giguere
Chances are you’re not an agent in or near the Tacoma, Washington, area. That’s not why we included this real estate agent podcast, however. The real reason is this particular show exemplifies everything you should do when broadcasting shows pertaining to your local housing market. Knowing every detail about your market, becoming the thought leader for your community, and then sharing that knowledge: that’s how you will win over the hearts and minds of those living in and hoping to live in your area, and few agents with podcasts do this better than Giguere.
Top Agents Playbook with Ray Wood

A prime example of a real estate pro who’s capitalized on the success of his days as an agent is Ray Wood, who has real estate–related ventures in multiple countries. At the center of his work in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand is this podcast, which, while only a couple dozen episodes in, is as in-depth and entertaining a real estate podcast you’ll come across. Wood has interviewed celebrity and top-producing agents who continue to grow their brands and popularity, discussed what features makes real estate websites effective, and other intriguing themes and topics.
The Honest Real Estate Agent with Mario Jannatpour
After setting up a solid real estate YouTube presence, Jannatpour has turned his attention to the world of podcasting, where he, along with a variety of real estate and business professionals, discuss interesting stories about successful agents, qualities of top producers, career mistakes to avoid, how to secure more listings, and many more pertinent topics that can transform agents’ careers for the better. This straightforward, educational broadcast is the perfect remedy for the first-time agent looking to get their career moving in the right direction and experienced ones aiming to put their careers into high gear.
Real Estate Success Rocks with Patrick Lilly
“What does success mean to you?” That’s the question at the heart of every episode of Real Estate Success Rocks, the podcast that shares the name of the conference intended to help agents and brokers grow their brands and revenue streams. It includes high-level tips and tricks (like how to structure a real estate agency and help team members succeed) to more intricate advice for day-to-day activities (such as how to efficiently prospect leads). High-quality lessons from high-quality agents: that’s what you can expect to hear in each edition of this ever-growing podcast.
The BiggerPockets Podcast with Josh Dorkin and Brandon Turner
Novice and veteran real estate investors both turn to BiggerPockets to become more knowledgeable about best practices for purchasing rental properties, hiring property management firms, money-saving and -raising methods, and other investing insights. Sure, not every agent is in the market to purchase and then sell or lease units on their own dime, but there are still plenty of relevant and interesting tidbits shared by the duo behind this successful podcast, including how to scale a real estate business and cash flow advice.
UPDATED BONUS PODCAST: Real Estate Pros Podcast with Josh Cobb
Knowing how to take a real estate business to the next level is something practically every agent and broker is constantly seeking to learn more about. Whereas some podcasts cover this at a high-level glance, this one from Cobb delves a bit deeper, uncovering how things like outsourcing some marketing activities and what goes into developing a concrete business plan with help from those who have actually accomplished these feats (and in grand fashion).
BONUS: Some of the Best Marketing Podcasts
While some of the best business podcasts that can help advance your career and online strategies are real estate–oriented, there are also numerous marketing podcasts that can teach you best practices for your digital presence. After you’re done sampling the above broadcasts, turn your attention to these marketing authorities below.
Craft of Marketing with Seth Price
From our very own Seth Price comes this informative podcast which features interviews with the industry’s most intelligent, successful, and outside-the-box marketers who have gained industry fame and acclaim for one reason or another. Everything from how to master website optimization (SEO and design) to ways to integrate video into your digital strategy are discussed with the likes of Lee Odden, Ann Handley, Robert Rose, and many more celebrated marketing pros.
Duct Tape Marketing with John Jantsch
Productivity tips, modern business-building tactics, search engine optimization (SEO) advice, insights on how to improve leadership skills: These are just a small sample of the topics Jantsch and guests explore in detail on his podcast. Though he and his firm specialize in helping small businesses operate more efficiently, Jantsch’s enlightening podcasts relay valuable information for entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople in just about any industry.
Social Media Marketing Podcast by Social Media Examiner
You won’t find a more exhaustive resource on social media marketing online than Social Media Examiner. Aside from this marketing podcast which features a who’s who of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn experts, the site itself is filled with thoroughly crafted posts that can help beginners at social media (e.g. how to start your Instagram account, explanations of Promoted Pins) and the intermediate to advanced marketing crowd (e.g. tips on making the most of Facebook ads, how to engage with prospects in LinkedIn Groups).
Social Pros Podcast with Jay Baer
Named one of the best marketing podcasts at the Content Marketing Awards, Social Pros Podcast shares real-life examples of digital marketing done right, including how some of the biggest brands in the world, like ESPN and Dell, manage and grow their online presence. Of course, many of the stories shared from these major businesses and organizations can apply to the everyday marketing responsibilities completed by real estate agents and brokers, like how to give stellar presentations to crowds and ways to use social media to delight employees and brand evangelists.
Six Pixels of Separation Podcast with Mitch Joel
“Growth hacking” is how expert marketers thrive with their digital campaigns — something Mirum Agency President Mitch Joel knows all too well. His Six Pixels of Separation blog has been the industry standard for marketing pros in all industries, including real estate, for years now, and with this podcast, Joel is able to express his tips and tricks on how to tell compelling stories, consistently hit the mark with your content, and improve upon a myriad of other marketing-related activities. Authors, entrepreneurs, and other intelligent business minds also frequent the podcast to explore an assortment of marketing concepts.