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Increase Real Estate Lead Conversion Using LeadPages

Increase Real Estate Lead Conversion Using LeadPages

In today’s Marketing Academy secrets, we discuss how to increase real estate lead conversion using landing pages, specifically leadpages.net.

Placester Real Estate Marketing Academy:

Real Estate Marketing Academy Page

We drive all of our traffic through content marketing. We eat our own dog food: we create content every day, trying to figure out how to make it more effective for the folks that are reading and actually useful.

Permission Economy

We provide valuable information to folks; they are downloading that information and in exchange giving us permission to reach out to them. Our job is not to abuse that.

This is an opportunity for us to figure out what the right value is that we can put together for someone who might be interested in our product – or maybe not, but at least it gets the conversation going.

2014 Real Estate Marketing Guide

2014 Online Marketing Guide for Real Estate

1. Create an article about something of value (i.e. a guide) that entices the reader
2. Provide a call-to-action that tells them exactly what to do after reading
3. Lead them to the landing page to get the guide and exchange their information

This landing page, and its purpose, is to show the value of what the lead is getting. So, they see a value proposition: “We’re gonna help you plan for 2014”; statistics, and an example of the checklist. That gives them enough information to say “Hey, I’m ready to do this” and they fill out the form.

If you use a landing page, it allows you to capture their email and, in exchange, you deliver the eBook. That makes it easy to track it on the back end, reach out with more interesting stuff, and perhaps put the user onto a nurture campaign. That’s what you want to do for your online customers.

“If you don’t have a good landing page, it’s like going fishing without a net. You might land a big one on your hook, but you won’t be able to drag it into the boat.”


Any time you’re advertising something on Facebook or Google Adwords, it can be really hard to advertise directly for the sale. But, advertising in exchange for something of value makes a lot more sense, because you’re saying “Here’s a guide, a marketing report,” anything that’s a good fit for your audience that makes for a great exchange.

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(Starting at 4:50, you can learn more about how to create a landing page.)

Clay Collins founded LeadPages.net and they’ve done a really nice job of making something very simple to use. You can integrate it with WordPress (or not). Placester uses WordPress as its platform, so we like it a lot. It’s the #1 CMS (content management system) in the world.

Note: Placester does not receive any revenue for recommending LeadPages.

When using a landing page, you normally want to integrate it with your email. You’re either going to have a Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, InfusionSoft, or a SalesForce account – somewhere that you can automate emails. Mail Chimp has a free offering, which is probably the easiest place to sign up.

Finally, test, test, test. Make sure it’s working the way you want it to work and look at all the results as you’re doing it.

“You have to understand that nothing appeals to everybody.”


Example: Charles Rutenberg Realty

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In exchange for the email, he wants to allow you to search for all of the listings. He’s got his value proposition of why his firm is great and what they do. Then you fill it out ( it’s integrated with Infusionsoft).

Final Advice :

The job when you create a landing page is to set it up, drive some traffic through an existing source or through advertising like Facebook, Google Adwords, Twitter, Pinterest, or anything that’s appropriate for your audience.

When you have a landing page that’s not converting well, you want to see what the challenge is. You might change the background, the value proposition, or the item (ebook, market report, etc.) that you’re offering.

Thanks for watching. For more information on how to become a better marketer, please feel free to explore our academy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment!


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