In the real estate marketing world, and certainly on this show, we spend a lot of time talking about tools and strategies for succeeding online. But we often neglect to talk about the most important piece of the puzzle: motivation. It’s the reason a majority of agents fail within the first five years of their real estate careers, and why as little as 20 percent of agents handle 80 percent of all closings.
Most people’s issue is not that they don’t know what to do: it’s that they don’t do it.
Without the motivation to do what it takes to succeed, there’s no marketing tool or strategy out there that can make you successful. Just ask Jared James. As a real estate agent, Jared James built one of the largest and fastest-growing teams in the country, and was voted the top REALTOR in the USA under the age of 30 by REALTOR Magazine.
Now, as one of the leading real estate coaches in the country, Jared has motivated thousands of real estate professionals to achieve their goals, whether that means more sales, more clients, or starting a new brokerage.
For Jared, the key to success is being motivated to take risks and do what’s necessary to grow your business, no matter how hard or how uncomfortable. “Most people’s issue is not that they don’t know what to do: it’s that they don’t do it,” Jared told us. “You have to ultimately want the result you’re going after more than you hate the pain of what it’s going to take to get there.”
For some agents, the problem is one of perspective—that is, many seasoned agents and brokers feel they’re doing just fine without investing in digital. To these folks, Jared explains, “Yes, you’re doing okay, but you are leaving so much of your potential on the table because of your inability to change and grow. And I don’t think you’re okay with that.”
Jared’s clients pay top dollar for his coaching and marketing programs, but today he’s sharing his expertise with our audience for free. In this interview, Jared breaks down why so many people neglect the real work of improving their craft, and how a strong online presence can help even the greenest agents position themselves as pros.
– Matt & Seth