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6 Steps to Creating Great Real Estate Marketing Content

6 Steps to Creating Great Real Estate Marketing Content

Most people these days have caught onto the importance of ebooks, blogs, and more to generate traffic to their websites. These are key pieces of content for your real estate marketing endeavors. The question, however, is where to start? If you’ve got a managing editor in your back pocket or went to journalism school before hitting the real estate scene, maybe building out a fully SEO-enabled work of literary genius is no problem. For the rest of us, here are six quick tips to creating great content for your real estate website.

1. Research Your Audience

Would you write a letter to your mother the same way that you would write an email to an old college buddy? Probably not. The same idea goes for your content.

Start thinking about who you want to target. What kind of people do you want to work with? What are the typical demographics of your lead base? Once you figure that out, start building out detailed personas of those people, considering everything from their marital status to their favorite places to hang out online. Give them a name too – and no, that’s not creepy. If you can think of a few unique types of fully imagined personas, you’ll be able to create targeted content that will better connect with your audience.

2. Create an Editorial Calendar

It can be difficult to come up with content topics on the fly, especially if you’re a busy solo agent. Instead, brainstorm a list of topics and then use a spreadsheet to schedule them. That way, you can work on your content ahead of time if you have a free moment and then queue it up for later. It also helps to have a master plan so that you can see blind spots in your week or month and spread your content out.

“Content marketing, like real estate, requires dedication, consistency, and good planning.”


3. Consider Customer Questions

Once you have your personas, you can start to imagine the kind of questions each unique person will ask you, considering the questions clients have brought to you before. Then, create an ebook, infographic, blog post, or some other kind of content that answers those questions.

4. Optimize for Search Engines

You can improve your organic search rankings simply by improving the way you implement keywords in your content. Think about phrases that searchers might use to find you or your content and include it, where relevant, in your titles, captions, and meta descriptions.

“Treat keywords like your community. Better leads will come with greater knowledge of your digital space.”


5. Prepare for Various Platforms

Be sure your content is ready to be viewed on a variety of devices. These days, most users browse content on their mobile devices – cell phones, tablets, etc. Be brief, use bullet points where necessary, and make sure your content resizes according to the device used for viewing.

6. Use Great Visual Content

According to this awesome infographic by Neomam, people are more quickly engaged by interesting images and pretty colors than they are by written content. To draw in leads, use high-resolution property photos, video tours, and similar visual content to add dynamism to your website content and keep your audience’s attention.

Follow these six tips and you’ll be well on your way to generating high quality leads that convert – that is, engaging people who want to work with you.


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