January Offer — 50% Off Website Setup

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“Ready For You” Agent Designs

One of the most challenging things to achieve when building an agent website is bringing a brand to life in digital form. Our creative team has recently introduced two Codeless design options to help you stand out and capture what makes an agent unique. Whether you’re an agent that is in control of your online marketing, a broker providing value to your team, or truly a creative at heart, these agent designs are sure to inspire and provide you with the starting point you’ve been searching for.

Design review: Ariel

Our Ariel design is not only eye-catching with excellent lifestyle imagery throughout, but it capitalizes on the new expectation that visitors should have easy access to your calendar to book time with you and conduct a Zoom call. Why have visitors fill out a contact form when you can implement creative ways to book meetings right away?


Design review: Francis

If you’re searching for something that is simple, but is sure to leave a lasting impression, then Francis is the pick for you. This elegant, friendly design will have your website visitors feeling like they already know you before they even reach out. With Francis, you can be the local agent that visitors will trust.


Get started with one of these new design options

Are you interested in getting started with one of these designs? With Placester, you don’t have to spend valuable time and energy building your website yourself. We recommend you head over to our Services Marketplace and hire our creative team to get the work done for you!