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How to Create a Neighborhood-Specific List of Listings | Placester

Shortcodes are an amazing way to get very customized functionality with very little effort. One thing that is often requested is the ability to create listings for a specific neighborhood. This is extremely easy to do as shown in the video and the below instructions.

  1. The first step is to create the page you want the listings to live on. I created a list of listings for Charlestown, the Boston neighborhood where I live.

  1. Now go to Placester > Shortcodes from the WordPress dashboard.

  1. Choose Create Shortcode.

  1. Enter a title for the shortcode (a good name makes it easier to find later on) and choose List of Listings.

  1. Set the filter to be Neighborhood and choose the neighborhood you want to include in your List of Listings.

  1. Publish the shortcode, then copy the shortcode.

  1. Paste the shortcode onto your page.

  1. Now visit the page to see your awesome List of Listings.

And that is all you have to do to add a List of Listings showing all listings in a single neighborhood.