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A Marketing Plan Template for Real Estate Agents

After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to turn them into a business plan with action steps you can take and results you can track. That’s usually not as simple as it sounds, but our real estate marketing action plan template gives you the ability to do just that.

  • Calculate your real estate marketing targets
  • Record your marketing expenses
  • Ensure your investment pays off in the salary you desire

Putting your marketing plan into action: A template for real estate agents

The easiest part of making a goal (especially in marketing) is … making it. Then the real work starts: How do you take that goal from a pie-in-the-sky dream to an on-the-table, ready-to-to-with-ice-cream-and-eat reality? After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to turn them into a business plan with action steps you can take and results you can track. That’s usually not as simple as it sounds, but our real estate marketing action plan template gives you the ability to do just that.

You are:

  • A real estate agent or team leader who’s creating your marketing plan for the rest of the year or crafting a plan for next year, and you want a good way to put that plan into action.
  • A real estate assistant who helps manage marketing for your agent or team and who knows the value of measurable progress and clear next steps.
  • A marketing manager who’s committed to seeing your goals manifest and needs a proven method for planning your approach and tracking your progress.

You want:

  • To take lofty marketing goals and break them down into simple action steps that you can think about and take every single day in order to achieve your goals.
  • To prioritize your goals so that you understand where you need to focus most of your time and energy—because it’s going to be limited at some point.
  • To create a clear road map of where you want your marketing to be at a certain point in the future and how you think you can get there most efficiently.

What you’ll get:

Our templated spreadsheet is already set up with all of the questions you need to ask yourself to achieve your marketing goals, from the goal itself down to the time, money, and resources you’ll need to achieve it. The template is color-coded, giving you the ability to easily glance at your top priorities, and it’s easy to understand and share with marketing assistants, other agents, or anybody else who might need to be in the loop around your marketing goals and plans to achieve them.