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20 Real Estate Branding Tips That Will Help You Stand Out | Placester

Our guide includes 20 branding components that you might want to incorporate or consider as you’re working on branding in your real estate business.

Branding tips for real estate agents that will help your business shine

Real estate agents are uniformly pretty good at selling houses, but their ability to effectively brand themselves ranges pretty widely from “not great” to “amazing!” If you’re worried that your branding skills are on the lower end of the spectrum and want to make sure you’re polishing your brand to a shine, then you’ll need to evaluate where your brand is today and then determine where you want to take it. Our guide includes 20 branding components that you might want to incorporate or consider as you’re working on branding in your real estate business.

You are:

  • A real estate agent who’s never created a brand, or who tried to create one … but it doesn’t feel like you, somehow, and you’re not sure it works.
  • A real estate assistant who manages branding and content for your agent, team, or broker; you see an opportunity to create guidelines and consistency in the brand.
  • A broker or training manager who has agents with a wide range of branding skills and who needs a resource that’s useful for both a branding newbie and someone who just needs a little bit of polish.

You want:

  • To understand more about why good brands work well and how you can create one that feels authentic and personal to you.
  • To evaluate your brand where it is and see how you can refine it, change it, or add more assets or resources to help spread it further.
  • To provide an assistant or someone else who manages branding in your real estate business with more details and education behind your branding philosophy.

What you’ll get:

A 20-item real estate branding worksheet that will walk you through some of the most important components of a strong brand and help you evaluate how your own brand measures up. The worksheet encourages you to think about everything from logos to your boilerplate, including design elements, establishing consistency across your brand so that it starts to feel familiar and comforting, and using emotion, content, and more to enhance your brand’s reach and ability to connect with leads.