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Modernize Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Whether you’re just starting out in real estate or you’re hoping to shore up and revamp a more traditional marketing strategy, this guide will walk you through the basics of a modern real estate marketing strategy and how to build (or bring) yours up to speed.

Is your real estate marketing strategy outdated? The ultimate guide to modernizing

Marketing has always been a fast-paced industry, where things change a lot more often (and more quickly) than they stay stable. It’s easy to get settled into a groove, a way of doing things that works well for you … until one day you look around and realize that your groove has become a rut and you’re no longer reaching your clients where they’re most likely to start their home transaction journey. Whether you’re just starting out in real estate or you’re hoping to shore up and revamp a more traditional marketing strategy, this guide will walk you through the basics of a modern real estate marketing strategy and how to build (or bring) yours up to speed.

You are:

  • A real estate agent who’s just getting started in marketing, or one who’s been established for some time but isn’t using many modern tactics.
  • A real estate assistant who manages digital marketing campaigns for your agent, team, or broker, and who wants to ensure that the strategies and tactics you’re using are the best possible.
  • A broker or training manager who wants to ensure that your agents know and can follow the current advice and best practices for digital marketing in real estate.

You want:

  • To understand how leads travel through the sales funnel when they encounter you digitally first and foremost, and how to optimize your marketing accordingly.
  • To learn which website features and technology tools you’ll need to be able to build and maintain your modern marketing strategy.
  • To provide an assistant or someone else who works on your digital marketing with education and background about what changes you want to make and why.

What you’ll get:

A four-chapter, 25-page ebook that walks you through how marketing has changed in the digital era and what that means for real estate agents. You’ll learn why an IDX-driven website is one of the most powerful (and critical) tools you could use, how content can help you target specific leads and capture their contact information, and what to do with them next in terms of nurturing and lead management.