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Convert Leads Into New Clients with Your CRM Webinar

If your CRM isn’t helping you convert leads into clients, or your conversion is slipping and you’re not sure why, our webinar on “Converting Leads Into New Clients with Your CRM” will help you pinpoint the problem and plug any gaps in your strategy.

Is your CRM helping you convert leads to clients? Here’s how to fix that

A CRM is one of the most important resources for any real estate agent: It’s your comprehensive repository of people you know who might need your help at some point, from family and friends to the leads you generate every day. Because a CRM contains such a wide range of different types of leads, it can easily become useless (or at best, not nearly as useful) if you don’t diligently keep up with the different tasks that power your real estate marketing campaigns. If your CRM isn’t helping you convert leads into clients, or your conversion is slipping and you’re not sure why, our webinar on “Converting Leads Into New Clients with Your CRM” will help you pinpoint the problem and plug any gaps in your strategy.

You are:

  • A real estate agent who already has a CRM, but you know you aren’t using it to its highest potential.
  • A licensed real estate assistant who manages a CRM for your agent, team, or broker, and you see room for conversion improvement.
  • A broker or training manager whose agents are invested in using a CRM, and who want to learn how to improve their conversion; you’re seeking a guide that can help them self-serve to troubleshoot some of the biggest issues.

You want:

  • To understand why organizing and bucketing your leads—and updating those profiles frequently—is the key to CRM lead-generation success.
  • To generate several ideas for lead generation drip campaigns, including high-quality content you can send to your leads to keep them engaged.
  • To provide an assistant or someone else who manages your CRM with a comprehensive guide to your strategy so they understand why it’s so important.

What you’ll get:

An hour-long webinar that will explain how to take your CRM from “I’ve been filling it out, but it just isn’t doing anything for me!” to a lead-generation machine that feeds you appropriate lists of who’s most interested in buying and selling right now—with only a little ongoing maintenance required on your part. You’ll learn about how to prioritize which leads to target first, how personal notes and reminders can make a huge difference when it comes to connecting with your leads, how to time and track your messaging, and when to follow up in person with a text message or phone call. It’s a step-by-step guide for any agent who wants to increase the power and precision of their CRM strategy.