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50 Amazing Real Estate Gift Closing Ideas | Placester

Our list of 50 amazing real estate closing gift ideas will give you at least a handful of options for even the buyers or sellers who seem to have everything already!

Real estate closing gift ideas for even the most challenging buyers and sellers

Celebrating your buyer’s purchase or your seller’s successful sale with a gift is a marketing step that many agents wouldn’t dream of skipping … but coming up with original gift ideas is challenging, especially gifts that will make your clients’ eyes shine as they thank you for your thoughtful contribution. After all, you’ve got real estate transactions to facilitate and manage! Our list of 50 amazing real estate closing gift ideas will give you at least a handful of options for even the buyers or sellers who seem to have everything already!

You are:

  • A real estate agent who prides yourself on giving thoughtful closing gifts to your buyer or seller clients.
  • An assistant who coordinates closing gifts and is looking for creative new ideas that will help your agent stand out from the crowd.
  • A closing expert at a brokerage or on a team who sees an opportunity to make the day a little bit more special for your clients.

You want:

  • To provide stand-out and memorable gifts for both your buyers and sellers … without having to intensely research your best options.
  • To expand the types of gifts you currently give so that you can be sure you’re matching the gift with your client’s personality.
  • To generate more ideas for how you can ensure you’re creating a long-term bond with your clients and staying top-of-mind for their real estate needs.

What you’ll get:

A list of 50 expert closing gift ideas for both buyers and sellers; at least a handful are guaranteed to match your clients’ personalities, decor styles, and housing needs. We’ve included options that are highly customizable so that you can personalize them and make them as memorable and special as you can for people who trusted you with a major transaction.