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2018 Real Estate Marketing Strategy Survey Report | Placester

Our comprehensive marketing survey gives detailed insights into what agents are doing with their marketing (and how you measure up by comparison).

Takeaways from top agents: What our survey told us about real estate marketing strategy

Ever wondered how you stack up against your competition in the industry? Of course you do; you’re a real estate agent! Keeping abreast of the competition and making sure you know what’s hot (and what’s just a shiny object) in the real estate industry is a critical part of your job … and it’s one of the hardest, too, because keeping up with an entire industry can be a full-time occupation, and you’re also trying to sell real estate. That’s what surveys are for: to give you a window into the behavior of your peers. Our comprehensive marketing survey gives detailed insights into what agents are doing with their marketing (and how you measure up by comparison).

You are:

  • A real estate agent who’s curious about what your peers and competitors are doing around their marketing.
  • A real estate assistant who manages marketing campaigns for your agent, team, or broker; you want to know more about how and why digital marketing works.
  • A broker or training manager who wants to know how other agents and brokerages are handling digital marketing tactics and tools, so that you can ensure your staff is competitive.

You want:

  • To understand the hottest marketing trends in real estate and get a sense for which ones are most likely to stick around.
  • To generate new ideas for ways you can improve your marketing strategy today.
  • To get more details about what your competition is doing and how your own offerings measure up as a result.

What you’ll get:

A 22-page report that breaks down results from hundreds of real estate agents all across the country, including details about how much they plan to spend, their biggest challenges, and exactly how they plan to make their website more appealing to visitors, among many other responses. From mobile marketing tactics that agents want to try to their biggest learning priorities, you’ll get deep insights into what other real estate agents and brokerages are focusing on when it comes to marketing.