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Create Compelling Content for Real Estate Webinar

One of the best ways to generate traffic to your real estate website (and leads) is to create content that your best prospects are going to gravitate toward…

Creating compelling real estate content that buyers and sellers love

One of the best ways to generate traffic to your real estate website (and leads) is to create content that your best prospects are going to gravitate toward … but you already knew that. It’s easier said than done, like many areas of marketing! Where to start producing content, how to be consistent with your production, and then how to actually turn that content into a lead-generation strategy are all big marketing challenges for agents; in our “Create Compelling Content for Real Estate” webinar with a top-selling agent (and content producer), we help agents figure out how to solve those problems.

You are:

  • A real estate agent who’s always been interested in content marketing but doesn’t know how to get started—or an agent who’s tried it, but struggles with consistency.
  • A real estate assistant who manages a website and digital marketing campaigns (including a blog or video marketing platforms) for your agent, team, or broker; you want to know more about how and why content marketing works.
  • A broker or training manager whose agents are interested in content marketing, but you don’t have any in-house experts, so a guide through how to think about content marketing would be an ideal resource.

You want:

  • To understand more about content marketing in real estate, from evaluating what buyers and sellers want content-wise to turning those website visitors into leads.
  • To generate several ideas for pieces of content that will work well for your niche and market, then make a plan for exactly how and when to bring that content to life.
  • To provide an assistant or someone else who manages content on your website or social media with solid information about your content strategy.

What you’ll get:

An hour-long webinar that will explain exactly how to get your content marketing strategy off the ground and actually create content. You’ll learn about how to evaluate your audience’s wants and needs so that you can provide the content they desire most, how to put together an editorial calendar (that makes sense for your business and that you can actually follow), and what you need to do to get that content made—whether that’s carve out the time yourself or sit down with a professional who can help you. You’ll also learn about how to capitalize on your biggest hits, and how to ensure that your content efforts are also generating leads for you.