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Personal Branding for Real Estate Professionals

Personal Branding for Real Estate Professionals

Why would you buy a house from yourself?

If you can’t answer that question, it’s time to work on your real estate personal brand. People choose who they do business with based on a number of different factors, including presentation, demeanor, experience and passion. Your brand combines your beliefs with your business practices and this is what people gravitate to when seeking out a real estate professional. We made this infographic with Barry Feldman to show how to make a killer brand. But we work in real estate, so let’s get specific about how to make your mark on real estate with your personal brand.



Anything other than the real you won’t do. Discover exactly what makes you fascinating. Build your brand on your true strengths.

As a real estate professional, your goal should always be to attract clients who identify with you and your abilities. The same skills you have at building friendships can be utilized to build trust with clients. People make decisions every day in the industry based on gut instinct, and insincerity just won’t work.

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Blurry brands languish. Define your brand with a focused niche to connect with the minds of those you aim to influence.

If you’re having trouble clarifying your message, bring it back to the basics. Why do you love real estate? People? Your town? Great architecture? Try to remember the first reason you got into this field. Or think about the first sale you made. Use those emotions to drive your messaging.


Your brand should be the promise you make. Work at developing a unique selling proposition and express it in a concise, memorable slogan.

Real estate is an evolutionary, exciting, personable market; why did you choose to become a part of it? These are all integral questions you should be able to answer honestly and easily. Condense these ideas down and sum them up with one sentence — this is your slogan.



People remember how you made them feel. What you say is important, but how you say it is even more important. Develop a unique and genuine voice.

Are you a quirky individual that comes across as stiff in your writing? Do you sound genuine in person and forced online? Are you an older professional trying to make connections with younger clientele? Try to use language that is true to how you speak, and make sure that it sends the right message to your clients.


“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”


Nix the notion of universal appeal. Take strong stands on your ideals and voice your opinions. There’s no notoriety in bland land. Be Bold.

A sale price is a bartering ticket waiting for to be debated, so use all of those skills you’ve acquired in a “fast on your feet” business and tell it like it is. Feel free to say how you feel about market trends and neighborhoods. Your customers will appreciate the blunt tactics that bring effective results.

Understand Triggers


Weak brands focus solely on intellectual arguments. Strong brands tap into emotions. The subject you need to master is psychology. Become a student of it.

People buy houses on based on feelings and what it will do for their personal lives, not just property stats. Dig deep and try to comprehend emotionally what the people you are selling to are looking for. Adjust your strategy accordingly.



Your face must appear all across the social sphere. Don’t scrimp here. Hire a pro to do a photo shoot and pick the portrait that says, “I’m your friend.”

A personal brand is heavily based on visuals. Find a picture that drips with confidence and friendliness. Post it all over your social and make it your visual signature. If you don’t have one, hire someone to make you look great.



Valuable content has magnetic power. Create an interesting mix of content to earn the mindshare and trust your brand needs.

After you decide who you are, share what you know. Your content is the key to conveying that message of your brand. Choose to share insightful knowledge. Use interesting content to challenge the status quo of a classic industry. Don’t forget to ask questions: Ask your audience for their ideas and input. Everyone who’s looking for new homes can benefit from a expert comment or two.


Ask questions. Ask people to tell you their stories. Ask for their ideas. And then listen closely. Everyone loves a good listener.

Questions can be drawn from every corner of your life, whether that’s in person or online. Listening to people’s real estate needs or past experiences (good and bad) can help you grow your knowledge base of potential client dos and don’ts. Social is a great resource for potential new business strategies and content. Listening can be the difference between finding properties a client “likes” to signing papers.



When surfers go a-Googling, which words will lead them to you? Build a short list of the most relevant keywords and use them often.

Pick out some relevant keywords for your business area. Decide which words from your website and social pages have the most traction, and integrate them appropriately into your content, pages, and social media. The phrases you choose should accurately describe your business but also who you are as a professional.



Media is more complex than ever, and more vital. Identify the outlets that are most valued in your field, and use their tools to elevate your brand.

Social media and multimedia channels are the best way to get your messaging out there quickly and creatively. It’s free exposure, and if you’re message and ideals are constructed properly, it will enhance your brand. If you aren’t getting interviews or spotlights from major media, build from within. Hire a video production team or take some tips from video experts and make some impressive content to share. Video is also a great piece of content to share on social media.

Graphic Design

Everything you create should be presented with class and continuity. Develop a tasty logo, color palette, and design standards that reflect well on your brand.

Design is a crucial piece of making your brand message sing. Remember to compose a striking logo that translates the qualities of your slogan. Consider getting a pro on this one: The more professional your designs look, the more weight your brand will have.



Make connections locally, regionally, and globally. Have a business card or something of even greater value to distribute. Follow up and follow through.

Use social media to reach out and connect with new business partners and potential clients alike. But don’t focus on just business. Make sure that people know and trust you and your brand way before they’re thinking of real estate. And when they do? You will immediately pop up in their heads as a reference to a friend or family (or perhaps themselves).



Influential professionals have prominent friends. Seek out leaders. Surround yourself with them. Find ways to be of value to them.

There is a world of real estate professionals out there who have years of skills and knowledge to impart. Seek out those who you can make you better — it’s the best way to become a leader.


“A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.”


Affiliations are all-important to the growth of your brand. Find groups you’d be proud to be a part of, get involved, and make your presence known.

Join as many business affiliations as you can. This includes professional groups and organizations, conventions and conferences. These are great ways to learn industry secrets and insider knowledge through workshops and organic conversations. Make a point of having one-on-ones with people you find interesting. Keep business cards on hand.



Every person you admire taught you valuable lessons. Commit to nurturing the teacher within and build your brand by becoming a trusted advisor.

Pull up the next generation of real estate professionals by offering your knowledge to them. Being a trusted expert in an industry is a luxury and a privilege. Start to build your network of great real estate agents and brokers.


You won’t achieve your goals on your own. Privately and publicly, recognize the contributions of every person who’s played a part in your brand development.

Most people don’t wake up wanting to show properties for a living. Who were the influencers in your life that shifted the winds of change towards your current career? Recognize their contribution to your success. Something as simple as a mention in an interview, a tweet of thank you, or a simple card are all gracious responses.



Your X-ray for all online efforts is analytics. Deploy Google Analytics and/or additional tools to inform you of how visitors behave on your site and what you can do to improve their experience.

Are people going to the pages you want them to? Are they clicking on your prioritized links? Are they getting to your website via the keywords you anticipated? Look at your online analytics to inform yourself on how your audience is realistically interacting with your brand. You may consider adjusting your branding tactics based on these responses.

Help Others

Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Find ways to be helpful. Be the first to volunteer, connect people, or get behind any meaningful mission.

Not everything is business. Your brand is still very much who you are, and people respond well to those who put themselves out on a limb to lend a helping hand. Always be thinking of how you can do things selflessly for the sake of a cause.



Zeal is a “strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes one determined to do something.” Without it, there’s no point in building a personal brand.

This is something that should come naturally if you’re passionate about your work and your brand. Channeling this energy will make the difference of new and exciting business opportunities.


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