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Real Estate Marketing Basics Bootcamp: Lead Conversion Optimization

Real Estate Marketing Basics Bootcamp: Lead Conversion Optimization

Today’s lesson on website design can help you figure out:

  • How to easily and effectively place custom lead capture forms and pages on your real estate website so you turn visitors into prospects.
  • Ways to promote those forms and pages to your audience in a variety of useful ways, including and especially through email marketing.
  • Tips for regularly auditing and analyzing your agency website so you ensure it’s performing as needed to grow your leads database.

Here’s one positive outcome that you may see from following today’s lesson:

  • Perhaps you want to improve your content creation skills. So, you can learn how to create one page … then another, and another, and so on.
  • As time goes on, you’ll become a more refined content marketer and more capable of understanding how to optimize each page for lead conversion.
  • With more use of tools like Google Analytics, you’ll be able to see which pages work best for lead gen and which need to be enhanced further to help.

In our Day 4 video, you’ll discover how to use lead capture forms and area pages on your website. Once you’re done watching, we’ve provided a handy recap and an action plan below:

Professionals in countless fields depend on their websites to deliver new business:

real estate marketing

Website optimization isn’t easy. If they were, anyone could get several pages to rank on page one of Google.

But the benefits of investing extra time into your real estate website are considerable:

  • Developing informative copy, well-produced videos, and other written and visual resources go a long way in differentiating your agency from competitors.
  • Optimizing all of that content for search engines (e.g. filling in keywords in metadata and body copy of your pages) can help you climb Google’s search ladder and gain organic marketing traction.
  • Promoting your pages, articles, and downloadable resources to your leads via email campaigns and social networks can boost local awareness of your business and bring new leads to your website.

Maintaining your website is just like maintaining a home: It requires a strong foundation, regular “cleaning,” and the occasional enhancement to keep it in tip-top shape.

Here are a few steps you can take today to turn your website traffic into new leads for your CRM:

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1. List out 10 pages you should create for your site. This could include a testimonial page, or perhaps a resources page where you can share videos and checklists. Whatever your list comprises, just be as specific as possible with outlines for each page.

2. Set aside one hour each week to create the copy and visuals (custom graphics, photos and/or videos) for each one. You don’t need to be a professional writer to write compelling and catchy copy for your website. It just needs to “speak” to your audience, so to speak.

3. Produce the pages in question, and when you finish each one, examine them closely and edit them for grammar, spelling, keyword inclusion, and resonance (in other words, make sure the purpose of each page is clear and visitors know what action to take when done reading each page — like clicking a call to action to learn more about you or download a more robust piece of content).


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We only have one more day of our Bootcamp! On Day 5, we’ll finish up with a content marketing strategy that you can set in motion right away. See you then!

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