Increase the conversion rate of your leads with Cloze CRM
Now you’ll be able to build a relationship with your leads and increase their conversion rate. Placester has integrated with Cloze real estate CRM, so you have deep insight into what your customers want and who they are and can act accordingly.

Placester loved Cloze CRM for these features:

Centralizing your leads into one place:
Capture leads automatically from the Placester website and other integrated sources

Making most of the lead activities’ insights:
Access the history of lead activities on the Placester website (visits, what properties were checked, what materials were downloaded etc.)
Measuring your investment with built-in analytics

Providing speed in follow-up contact:
Accept and follow up on leads with no data entry
Using call, text, and email templates to ensure agents are building relationships with their client
Building drip campaigns to automate the follow-up

Providing communication consistency:
Detect action items in messages and set reminders
Use AI lead routing based on the past relationship, lead ponds, geographic distribution, etc.
Instantly push leads to your agents’ phones

Download Free Guide
Check out our new guide, which answers how to capture and convert leads. Learn more about Placester and Cloze features needed for this process.