By Seth Price
About Search Engine Optimization
Keyword Research: 7 Steps for Finding Your Target Keywords from Placester
The Importance of Keyword Research
When it comes to driving traffic to your real estate website, it can be tempting to focus all of your energy on social media. After all, there are tons of potential homebuyers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest, so it makes sense that you’d want to engage with them on these channels. And while social media should definitely be a part of your marketing strategy, you need to make sure you’re paying attention to a much bigger source of traffic: search.
Search is the number one driver of traffic to content sites. In fact, search drives 300 percent more traffic than social media. The key to optimizing your real estate website for search is to use relevant keywords: words and phrases that your potential customers are entering into search engines like Google and Bing. So, how do you know which keywords you should target? The answer: Do your research!
The web version of “7 Steps for Finding Your Target Keywords”
- 1. Brainstorm a starter list of keywords that are relevant to your business and match common search habits.
- 2. Check Google Analytics to see which terms are already driving traffic.
- 3. Use Google AdWords Keyword Tool to discover new keywords and weed out terms that have too little traffic or too much competition.
- 4. Focus on the Long Tail where keywords are less competitive and leads are more qualified.
- 5. Analyze Your Competitors by searching your target keywords and investigating top-ranked sites.
- 6. Use Keyword Research Tools to extend your keyword and competitor insight.
- 7. Create a Final List of primary, secondary, and long tail phrases that you’ll target with your site content.
Download The Real Estate Marketing Guide to Keyword Research eBook